Using the Calculator

Entering information
For each of the nine steps, you choose the option that matches the IVF situation you have in mind. This could either be your current situation, or a hypothetical situation. For some of the steps, you will need some clinical information, such as causes of infertility or proposed medication. After the nine steps, there is a summary page that lists the choices you made, together with the calculated percentage chance of a live birth for an IVF cycle.
From the summary page you can modify choices (for example - choosing a different age, or selecting donor eggs instead of own eggs, or changing the medication). Any changes in the calculated percentage will be displayed immediately.

Using the back button or refresh button on your browser can lead to calculations being displayed that are based on choices not shown in the summary. If you think that you may have made an incorrect choice, the safest option is to return to the main page and start again. If you are on the summary page, there is a reset button that allows you to start from scratch.

You should ensure that you have made consistent choices for steps 5 through 7. For example, if this is the first IVF cycle (option 1 for step 5), then you should choose zero as the number of unsuccessful IVF attempts in the past (step 6), and you should choose one of the "no previous IVF" options for step 7.


Online Calculator

To calculate your personalised prediction of the chance of having a live birth with your next IVF cycle please follow the instructions on each page and select the correct option for you.

At the end you will see a summary page where you will be able to change your answers and recalculate your personalised prediction.

Step 1 of 9 - Age

Go to the next step

Go to the summary page

Return to the main page

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